Apartment Services
Below are the important services that you would need to get your apartment setup.
With the exception of your gas supply, services are setup with private accounts for each lot. Any issues with service connection or delivery of services should first be addressed with the service provider before contacting Building Management.
South East Water
To set up an account, call 132 812.
Your hot water supply is electric and is located within the apartment.
Origin Energy Pty Ltd.
Electricity supply is through an Embedded Supply Network with Origin Energy Pty Ltd.
To set up your account go to the website: www.originenergy.com.au or call 132 461.
Note: Embedded networks will not usually have an NMI (National Meter Identifier) Number. You will need to provide your address so Origin can find their interal meter number for your apartment.
Any NBN Provider
You can connect to any NBN internet service provider.
The building has individual NBN fiber connections for each which provides the best options avaialble on the NBN.
Note: Any speed issues will be with your internet provider.
Hot Water
Private Hot Water Unit
Your hot water supply is Electric and is owned by the private lot. All servicing must be arranged by the owner or agent.
Electricity supply is through an Embedded Electrical Network with Origin Energy Pty Ltd.
Origin Energy Pty Ltd.
You will Not be required to set up a gas account. You gas in part of the Owner's Corporation fees
Dry Cleaning
The building has a dry cleaning service call iBag. You can sign up at ibag.com.au or by downloading the app.